Cat of the Day

August 31, 2007

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Bodoni, the Cat of the Day
Name: Bodoni
Age: Fifteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic shorthair
Home: Brooklyn, New York, USA
   Bodoni was a street cat who was rescued when she was about a year old. Since then she has lived with about six different people, the last of whom gave her to me. She had been having trouble finding someone to take Bodoni because in pictures she looked like a kitten (she's small with short legs and a short tail) and when people found out she was 10 years old they didn't want her. I saw her picture in a store window and I knew this was the cat for me. I don't know why. I had never had a pet before but something about her just seemed right.

    She has been with me for five years and my only regret is that I have no outdoor space for her to play in. When the weather is warm she sits at open windows looking wistfully (I think) through the screen but I feel it's too dangerous to let her out in the city, especially at her age. At fifteen, she's not as springy or agile as she once was but she still runs up and down the stairs in my apartment.

    She has never cared for toys - in fact she looks at my hand waving the metal wire with feathers attached as if to indicate that she knows perfectly well what's going on and would never mistake this crude object for a bird or anything else interesting. Sometimes when I'm trying to get her to play with something she just turns her back as if it's beneath her dignity. She does, however, enjoy catnip toys and will roll all over the room with them.

    Her favorite thing is to sit on me, whatever I'm doing, sleeping or waking. If my legs fall asleep and I have to get her to move she lies on a furry pad next to my computer. She can sometimes be feisty - in fact she's been known to bite - but everyone who sees her is charmed by her pretty face. That's why we call her The Cat That Got By On Looks Alone, though actually when she gets used to a person she's quite sweet.

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