Cat of the Day

February 10, 2007

Today's Cat
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Sammy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Sammy
Age: Twelve years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Siberian mix
Home: New Jersey, USA
   This is Sammy, a large, furry mostly-Siberian (we think), who came to us when his ditzy owner's Boyfriend-du-Jour disliked cats (after more than seven loyal years of service). Sammy is the mellowest and most laid-back, tractable cat in the Pride- he loves people, and will cheerfully greet and socialize with guests and strangers who visit- even small children don't phase his cool. He's simply a very mellow cat, who's happy to have attention paid to him. He especially likes to have his longish fur combed or brushed (which takes a substantial brush!) He's also one of the most 'aggressive' eaters around-- he doesn't take a bite of food, he chomps it powerfully , and when he eats, the dish tends to be pushed and migrated all over the kitchen floor ahead of his biting- sort of like the old vibrating hockey games they used to make. It's just enthusiasm, but it's fun to watch.

    Also, Sammy is a very smart cat-- he seems, for example, to have a working knowledge of physics and can predict outcomes-- he will, for example, be eating a dish across a counter in the kitchen, and he will be approaching the edge, and he will stop, look down over the edge at the floor below, consider things a moment, then use one huge furry shovel-paw to pull the dish well back from the edge of the counter so it won't go over onto the floor. I've never seen another cat use predictive thought in this way. Anyway, physicist or not, he's a welcome addition to the Pride, and we're very happy to have him!

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