Cat of the Day

March 15, 2007

Today's Cat
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Ruby, the Cat of the Day
Name: Ruby
Age: Ten years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Persian, Tabby mix
Home: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
   This beautiful girl is my Princess Ruby Fuzzwhistle. She is terrifically intelligent and if annoyed has a very vengeful side with an excellent memory! She loves to be silly, but can never have a hair out of place. If it is, a fastidious and thorough cleaning ensues.

    If she had a job, we swear she would be a movie star or fashion model. As you can tell, the camera loves her. She plays a great game of hide and seek as well as chase. This photo is rare that her mouth is closed as I have she usually has her mouth wide open as though to say 'cheese'. I think Ruby is the smartest, most beautiful kitty and she certainly is my best friend ever!

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