Cat of the Day

March 16, 2008

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Chloe, the Cat of the Day
Name: Chloe
Age: Ten months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Black Smoke Tabby
Home: Houston, Texas, USA
   Hi, my name is Chloe. My human mommy rescued me from a bad situation in May 2007 at about eight weeks old. I was playing in wheel wells of cars in the parking lot of a Mexican restaurant. It was over 90 degrees and I had no food or water. I tried to lick a dried up lime laying on the pavement and that is when my new mommy told her friends she wasn't leaving without me!

    I was pretty fast and moved from one car to another without her seeing me. It took her about a half hour before her friend saw me go under this big monster truck. She got under the truck and yanked me out of the wheel well by the tail and scared me like you wouldn't believe! I bit her so bad she was bleeding everywhere. What she didn't know at the time was that I am a love sponge and would never hurt anyone, I was just scared. She took me right to the vet and they fed me, dewormed me and deflea'd me. Boy was I starving, I was a small handful of bones and fur.

    My new mommy already had some dogs and cats and tried for months to find me a home. She would take me to this shelter place on Saturday mornings and leave me there and they would call her on Sunday afternoon and tell her to come get me that I caught a cold in the shelter. She would nurse me back to health and take me back and I would get sick again. My mom couldn't figure out why I was the only one getting sick. Her friends said that I got sick on purpose so she would keep me and not let me go ...(shhh, don't tell her).

    Mom here, Chloe was meant to be with me. I officially adopted her in October after many unsuccessful adoption attempts by others. She is my baby and sticks to me like glue. I cannot even go into the bathroom without her following me, even if she is sound asleep she will wake up and follow me in there and demand I pet her! The Vet said she is a Black Smoke Tabby which I guess are not that common. She is beautiful and loving but does have one bad habit of play biting. She grows out of it more and more everyday and I am hopeful she will stop soon!! Her favorite game is fetch and she will bring whatever I throw back to me and drop it right by my hand every time (better than my dog!). I adore her!

Chloe, the Cat of the Day

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