Cat of the Day

October 3, 2008

Today's Cat
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Chip, the Cat of the Day
Name: Chip
Age: Nine years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Concord, California, USA
   Chip is a cat but thinks he is a dog. He follows us everywhere and jumps up into our arms. Every day he begs for treats and tells anyone who will listen that he hasn't been fed... in weeks.

    He is the most affectionate cat that has ever owned us. He came from a litter of five kittens. He and his sister Rebecca came home with us that day, so small we could hold them both in the palm of our hands. If we had known these two cats were going to be so warm and loving, we would have taken the whole litter. Chip is so pretty that many people think he is a girl. He loves to be wherever we are. If we are in the house, he will sit with one of us. If we are outside gardening, he lays on the grass nearby. He also snores! In the mornings he lays outside our bedroom door and coos at us to wake up so we can feed him. The one trick he has is jumping from the ground up into our arms. He is so loving that when he wants to be held you may as well put down anything you were doing and pay strict attention to him. When he was a kitten he used to play fetch. I think I mentioned he thinks he is a dog. Our boys had marbles and if Chip found one on the floor he would pick it up in his mouth and bring it to us. We were expected to roll it so that he could chase it, then he would bring it back for us to roll again. He also pants like a dog when he gets too warm.

    He adores catnip and gets quite silly if he is around it. One of the nicest things he does is if we are sick, he stays in bed with us. I had cancer four years ago and spent a lot of time in bed. He did not leave my side until I was feeling better. He would lay next to me and purr. He also does not like to use the indoor 'facilities'. When he needs to go outside he will behave like Lassie and come and meow at us, then run to the door and turn back and look at us.

    Sometimes he is very 'special.' He will run so fast to get something and then smash into the wall because he didn't judge the distance well. He will also sometimes leap to get on something and misjudge it and go right over it. Then he turns to look at us as if to say "I meant to do that." He is just our Chip!

Chip, the Cat of the Day

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