Cat of the Day

August 11, 2009

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Maggie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Maggie
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Kind: Cat
Home: Manchester, UK
   This is my cat Maggie. She's around four or five years old. We're not really sure because we're her fourth set of owners but that's what the vet thinks. She lives in Manchester and is just a moggie, no special breed that we know of. What makes her the most special is that she's really friendly and affectionate, she's never scratched or bitten anyone.

    Maggie is a delight - she's happy to be stroked and played with for hours and she sleeps next to me every single night. I cannot understand why she's been through so many hands and I'd love her to be honored. She has found her permanent home here, and she will always be our cat of the day!

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