Cat of the Day

February 19, 2009

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Mese, the Cat of the Day
Name: Mese
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Kind: Siamese
Home: Norman, Oklahoma, USA
   These are pictures of our Siamese cat "Mese" (pronounced "mee-see"). We are not sure how old she is, she just showed up in our backyard a couple of years ago and refused to leave (was literally falling all over our feet)!

    She's very smart and very sweet; and she loves to jump into the bathtub and lick the faucet, so she can be silly too!

    She's almost human, or at least like a little dog, follows me around pretty much everywhere and is very observant (a kind of "watchcat"). She loves attention and affection; when I pet her she often gets up on her hind legs like a Meercat (anyone who has seen these Meercats on "Animal Planet" will know what I'm referring to). When our five-year-old son is sleeping she will often curl up close to him, and when he is awake she sometimes naps in his little chair (with one eye on him and everyone else I believe). She will go right to his bowl of food, and would eat from it I'm sure if you let her. Her not-so-soft meowing will let you know when she wants outside, but she's a good "mouser," and loves to "roll" on the patio and driveway (I refer to it as "doing her cat flips").

Mese, the Cat of the Day

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