Cat of the Day

May 1, 2009

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Tazzy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tazzy
Age: Two and a half years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Lynx Point, Siamese
Home: Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA
   This is our darling little kitty Tazzy. Tazzy has an incredible personality. She loves to play fetch all day and every morning she demands to be blow-dried! She is rambunctious, sweet, and definitely the alpha of our house. We don't own her, she owns us! This little kitty definitely has a staff 24/7 to take care of all her needs. Tazzy came from a shelter in North Carolina when she was about two months old. She is now 2 1/2 years old and is still such a kitten. From the moment she walked into her new palace, she was the Queen. Her "subjects" are Ivan (Lynx point Siamese/manx mix) and two border collies, Gracie and Spiga.

    Tazzy can be seen fetching here: Tazzyfetch. She can be seen getting a blow-dry here: Tazzy Blowdry.

Tazzy, the Cat of the Day
Tazzy, the Cat of the Day

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