Cat of the Day

May 10, 2009

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Paisley, the Cat of the Day
Name: Paisley
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Muted Calico
Home: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
   Paisley has had a tough life so far. She was born a stray and lived on the streets of Philadelphia for quite some time. She became pregnant and had kittens at a very young age, and then wound up at an animal shelter. We went to the shelter to adopt a baby kitten, but ended up falling in love with this sweet and cuddly little girl. She was begging to come home with us, sticking her paws out of the cage to reach out to us and rolling over for belly scratches. We were immediately sold.

    For the first few days after we got her, she would lay down in bed and latch on to us for the night - it was as if she couldn't get close enough to her new people and seemed constantly afraid that we were going to take her back to the shelter. She was also very sick with a bad upper respiratory infection, a high fever, and severe anemia. She was a good girl and took all of her medicine and ate lots of food to gain weight and become healthy again.

    She has become more secure and independent over time, but she is still the sweetest, most loving cat we've ever met. She always greets us at the door and follows us around the house purring for at least fifteen minutes after we get home, and she sits on the desk while her mom works on the computer next to her. She loves to give kisses and will sneak up and cuddle with you when you are sleeping. She talks to us often, in meows and purrs and whimpers, and wags her tail constantly. Her favorite items to play with are mommy's pens and hi-lighters and her little toy mice. If you leave any potential toys around, she'll steal them, but not before she steals your heart. This little cuddlebug has brought so much joy and happiness into our lives, and we are so happy and grateful that we found her.

Paisley, the Cat of the Day
Paisley, the Cat of the Day

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