Cat of the Day

April 8, 2010

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Aslan, the Cat of the Day
Name: Aslan
Age: One year and a month old
Gender: Male
Kind: Medium hair
Home: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
   Greetings from Indonesia!

    When I first laid my eyes on Aslan, I knew he had to be mine! I brought him home from a local breeder house when he was three months old. He is a very playful cat with so much energy. He is definitely the king of the house!

    Whenever Aslan plays in the backyard, he most likely will be chasing birds or looking for insects. Not only he is a good hunter, he is also a very competitive athlete. He would never miss the chance to race me upstairs or to the front door whenever someone stops by. He likes to greet people by sniffing or nibbling their leg. After he is tired of all the running around and playing detective, he will sit quietly near his water bowl with his hind legs stretched behind him. It's adorable!

    Aslan is also fond of laying his head beside mine on the pillow and purrs away to sleep. Yes, he is actually an affectionate cat, even though he can be very stubborn sometimes. Like any other cat, he loves being petted on the head and scratched under the chin, but the only humans allowed to pick him up are me and my boyfriend.

    He is also very possessive especially in his younger years. He would always place his "belonging" next to his water bowl or sometimes even dunk it into the water bowl. His number one enemy is the hair dryer, probably because of the loud sound it makes. He doesn't like it when someone (or something) is louder than he is. It really bugs him because of his strong competitive side. He even gets jealous if I spend too much time in front of my computer. He will jump onto the keyboard and all of the sudden I got fluffy tail in front of my face.

    Aslan has helped me and my boyfriend in our time of sorrow. He is definitely one of a kind cat in our hearts. Even my brother who has only met him twice always asks about him and how he's doing. Aslan is a very lovable cat and I certainly can't imagine life without him!

Aslan, the Cat of the Day
Aslan, the Cat of the Day

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