Cat of the Day

April 14, 2010

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Snowbell, the Cat of the Day
Name: Snowbell
Age: Eleven years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic Shorthair
Home: Michigan City, Indiana, USA
   I found my cat Snowbell by pure accident. One hot summer day, I was playing kickball with my brother in the yard, and the ball rolled down the hill. When I went to retrieve it, I found a white cat! Since my family had never owned any cats my mom wasn't fond of the idea of keeping her, but I persuaded her to give Snowbell some milk (I didn't know cats weren't supposed to have milk). Anyways, my cat was so dehydrated and skinny that she immediately drank the milk. She started heading towards the woods, but I didn't want her to leave so my brother and I put her in an old rabbit cage. My mom didn't like that idea so we put the rabbit's leash on Snowbell and tied her up in our shed. While we were eating dinner that night, my dad saw the shed door moving and asked what was in there. When we told him, he yelled "You don't lock up a cat!". After those failed attempts my mom agreed Snowbell could be an outdoor cat so we set up a blanket in our dog's doghouse because she never used it. Snowbell came by every day to get food from us. As it got colder I started to feel bad for Snowbell so I snuck her into the basement to get warm. My mom agreed she could live in the basement. As time went on, Snowbell slowly started gaining more and more control of our house and currently she is an indoor cat only, unless we supervise her outdoors.

    Snowbell is one of the most loving cats you will ever meet. She likes to sleep on my pillow and constantly reminds me of how it's a privilege because if I move at all she jumps off. I love to dress Snowbell up, and I swear she must have been a model in a former life because she lets me put any costume on without complaint. She just sits there and lets me do my thing and take pictures. Snowbell is truly an irreplaceable kitty!

Snowbell, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Snowbell!
Snowbell, the Cat of the Day
Snowbell, the Cat of the Day

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