Cat of the Day

December 4, 2010

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Carl, the Cat of the Day
Name: Carl
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male
Kind: American short hair
Home: Grand Blanc, Michigan, USA
   This robust cat is named Carl Benito Vogt (short for Carlito Benito Shizito). He is an American short hair and lives happily in Grand Blanc, Michigan in our household.

    Carl is a very unique cat. We adopted him at the age of mere months and warmly welcomed him into our home. At first Carl was very hostile towards our black lab and golden retriever, but soon came to enjoy their presence. Carl started out as an indoor cat but soon escaped a lot and it became a habit and soon his itch for the wild came upon him. Soon, though, Carl started to attack the neighbor's mourning doves and they got quite mad. So Carl is now secluded to the indoors and protests mightily. As you can see, Carl is a tad overweight due to his lack of physical activities because of the fact that he eats like a bear and gets no daily exercise now that he is stuck inside. He may soon have to go on a d-i-e-t.

    Carl enjoys laying on the couch for hours a day and attacking our family members in the night, this includes frequently biting my Mother's toes. Carl is not happy cat much of the time but I try to love him and make him smile. I believe that he is sad about not being able to go outside.

    All in all, Carl is a good cat and although he gets annoying with the standing at the back door meowing and trying to turn the knob, he's a great asset to our family and we love him very much. And he was a good sport about wearing the Santa Hat for his picture, too.

Carl, the Cat of the Day
Carl, the Cat of the Day

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