Cat of the Day

July 19, 2010

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Pi Pi, the Cat of the Day
Name: Pi Pi
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Kind: Tuxedo
Home: Columbus, Ohio, USA
   This is my Pi Pi, a.k.a. Pudge Muffin, Fuzz Butt, and Honey Bunny. Pi Pi was a mature cat of unknown age who had been living at a shelter for six months before she finally found a suitable home - one where she could reign supreme without competition! Apparently, other people had tried to adopt her, but their cats did not agree, so she had to wait for a one-cat person to come along. We've found out that she's a bit of bully, and she is now forbidden from visiting her grandparents' house and terrorizing their cat.

    She knew exactly how to charm a potential owner though. I sat down on the floor at the shelter and almost immediately she started licking my hand and shortly after that we nuzzled foreheads. I'd always heard about cats choosing their owners, but I'd never had one so obviously tell me "Take me home!"

    I've had her for a little over five years, so if I had to guess at her age, I'd say somewhere between eight to ten years. Pi Pi is a very attentive, talkative cat and often comes when called just like dog. She gives lots of licks and head butts, but she can be rather clumsy - she doesn't always make it up on the couch on the first try! And, while she doesn't like to be picked up and held, she will sit on you as long as you're willing to let her (fourteen pounds gets heavy after a while!). Her loving personality brightens the gloomiest of days, and I'm very glad she adopted me.

Pi Pi, the Cat of the Day
Pi Pi, the Cat of the Day

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