Cat of the Day

June 11, 2010

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Ben, the Cat of the Day
Name: Ben
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon mix
Home: Orlando, Florida, USA
   Hi, I'm Ben. I had to travel from the West Coast of Florida to find my human Mom and Dad. See, I saw this nice lady sitting on her patio in Clearwater, FL so I hopped up in her lap and let her pet me. She loves animals so she took me to the vet to see if I was microchipped. I was not, but I got a clean bill of health from the vet. So this nice lady sent her daughter a picture of me and the daughter came over from Orlando to adopt me the next weekend. I lived with the daughter and her fiance for about five months, but I was um... just too active and playful for their older female cat and their small home. One day another nice lady and her husband came to visit me and after a couple of weeks they took me home with them. I guess they wanted to get the Christmas Tree down first so I didn't climb it - Darn!

    Well, this nice lady and her husband are now my human Mom and Dad. I have an older brother and sister, Moe and Mindy, that I love to wrestle with and harass (see pictures). Mom has a pretty high tolerance for my mischief, but Dad tends to make me get down off the counters and out from behind the TV. I also like to push stuff off of counters and the DVD stands. I spend my days sleeping, watching Squirrel TV (see my picture by screen door) or running around the house like a crazy cat. I also like to help Mom shower every morning. I sit on the side of the tub and supervise. Sometimes I stick my head or tail into the tub and get wet! I like to surprise Mom.

    All in all I've got it pretty great. I get lots of loving so I guess I picked the right lady to befriend in Clearwater or I wouldn't be in Orlando now! It was worth the journey.

    A Note from Mom: Ben has really perked up our seven and eight year old cats. Moe used to bully Mindy, but now Ben watches out for her and even gets her to play hide 'n seek with him around the chair in the living room. It's so funny to see my cranky tortie playing again! Ben has filled our house with fun again.

Ben, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Ben!
Ben, the Cat of the Day
Ben, the Cat of the Day
Ben, the Cat of the Day

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