Cat of the Day

March 5, 2010

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Makya, the Cat of the Day
Name: Makya
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Bengal, Maine Coon mix
Home: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
   This is my kitten Makya, she turned one year old on March 26, 2009. I adopted her when she was ten weeks old. She is a Bengal/Maine Coon mix, and she is a hand full. Although is she is a handful, I am so glad I adopted her. She makes me laugh every day.

    She has two older sisters, Cheyenne and Kali - so we have three spotty girls. Cheyenne is a Bengal and Kali is a Bengal chausie mix. I enjoy my three girls every day and they make me laugh constantly. I have to have the camera ready at all times to catch fun times. My cats enjoy the sink as you can see in the second picture, and prefer it when I turn on the tap for them. Spoiled? Sure. We all live happily together in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Makya, the Cat of the Day

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