Cat of the Day

March 28, 2010

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Joey, the Cat of the Day
Name: Joey
Age: Twelve years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
   Joey is a special cat! I came to know him a year and 1/2 ago, when he was rescued by my friend. We believe he was left behind as his previous owners moved away from their condominium. He's an estimated twelve years old, he's cat (we say with some lion mix! LOL)!

    Joey was in bad shape when he was found. He was starving and had kidney problems. He was so bad, in fact, that he was not expected to make it thru the night! But here he is, going strong, 1 ½ years later!

    Joey is very sweet and loving, and always seems happy to see me (when I go for a visit). I fell in love the first time I saw him... he is very special.

    The fur around his neck is longer and kind of scruffy... giving him the appearance of a lion!

    He is very affectionate and sweet! He loves his catnip toys...but doesn't play for very long. (I know how he feels!) Joey has a little bit of trouble jumping, so he has a set of stairs he can climb up to sit in the window sill! He loves his soft blankey, and sometimes shares it with his kitty friends Milo and Tony.

    Joey is actually a small cat. I've never seen a cat that looks quite like him. His ancestry remains a mystery!

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