Cat of the Day

September 14, 2010

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Pixie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Pixie
Age: Five years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Maine Coon mix
Home: Raytown, Missouri, USA
   This is Pixie. We adopted her from a shelter at three and a half months and did we ever make a good choice. Pixie is a long haired tabby, possible Maine Coon mix, we'll never know for sure. We had lost our beloved male tabby at eighteen years of age four and a half months earlier, and our remaining cat, Callie, was grieving the loss by not eating well. We decided after several months, that she should have a companion. Six-pound Callie hissed and slapped at Pixie from day one and she still can be quite bossy but Pixie outgrew her and held her own without there ever actually being a cat fight.

    Today we have four adopted little Chihuahuas to complete our four-legged family and Pixie has decided she would rather be one of them. She plops down right in the middle of them and they have just accepted her. Callie still hisses at all of them but at the same time is fascinated with all of their activities.

    Pixie's favorite pastime though is sitting on her stool by the kitchen window and watching the birds, rabbits and squirrels, outside. She loves being held and being brushed. Her favorite sleeping place is behind the computer monitor where you can hear her snoring but as you can see she also stretches out on the chair, too. She has her own special way of drinking water which is always using her paws rather than lapping it up. She also likes a drink straight out of the faucet. She is such a mellow, laid back girl, who really shows no fears but rather is just content to be a part of everything. (We've never heard her hiss so we don't think that is even in her vocabulary!)

Pixie, the Cat of the Day

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