Cat of the Day

April 24, 2011

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Willow, the Cat of the Day
Name: Willow
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tabby
Home: Colchester Essex, UK
   This is Willow, a fourteen-year-old tabby who lives with us in Colchester Essex in the UK. Willow is a very loving cat whom we rescued. She lost her tail in an accident before she came to us and as a result has been a frequent visitor to the vets' office. But she is a fighter and doesn't let any of it bother her.

    Willow is a proper daddies girl and likes nothing more than a cuddle and a snooze on her own double bed. What makes her special is the joy she brings every day to us, even though we know that each day is a struggle for her. She is a living testament to the indomnitable spirit that cats have, and a beauty, too.

Willow, the Cat of the Day
Willow, the Cat of the Day

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