Cat of the Day

August 23, 2011

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Kiri, the Cat of the Day
Name: Kiri
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic Shorthair
Home: Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
   Kiri is my little buddy who follows me around and is always looking for treats. She loves playing with any kind of string or shoelace, etc... Kiri waits for me to come home and jumps to the top of the chair to greet me with a pretend kiss. I love her very much!

    Kiri is also special because she is doubled paw. She has seven fingers/claws on her left foot and six on her right foot and five on each back foot. Kiri loves to play chase with her four-year-old black cat friend Zoe. They run around the stairs and the house until one gets tired. I fell in love with Kiri when she was seven weeks old at the local shelter in the beginning of March/April 2009. Kiri is the only cat who will sleep on my bed with me, sometimes between my legs. Sometimes she accidentally gets kicked off when I turn over. She is small for her age and I love her bunches! With her double paws, she looks like she is wearing snow shoes.

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