Cat of the Day

July 13, 2011

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Pumba, the Cat of the Day
Name: Pumba
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Highland Lynx
Home: Southeast Texas, USA
   Our pet is Pumba, a three-year-old Highland Lynx. We got him when he was just nine weeks old. He walks on leash, plays fetch, and shakes hands. We had such a response to him here in Southeast Texas, we decided to start raising them. The other Highland Lynx in the pictures is his half brother Sakima, and you can see how tolerant he is with his "kid brother."

    He has the most gentle personality I have ever seen in a cat. We take him to Pet Smart on a leash and he walks up to dogs and sniffs their noses. He is very quiet unless he is begging for treats. He doesn't meow, he has a squeak for a voice. He weighs in at eighteen pounds, which is normal for this breed of cat. He likes to play with pencils and pens, knocking them around on the floor. He also likes to play hide and seek with my wife and I. When he wants to be petted or loved he will raise his paw straight out letting us know what he wants. He's a great cat.

   Our web site is Red Barn Exotic Katz.

Pumba, the Cat of the Day
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Pumba, the Cat of the Day
Pumba, the Cat of the Day

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