Cat of the Day

October 7, 2011

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Bruno, the Cat of the Day
Name: Bruno
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon Cat
Home: Lafayette, Indiana, USA
   My big boy is named Bruno. Three years ago, I adopted him from our local shelter. He sleeps pretty much wherever he wants to sleep. He is so soft and loves to snuggle. His meow is very low and sometimes almost silent.

    Bruno is special to me because he is so sweet. Every night when I lay down to read he decides it's time to snuggle. He buries his nose as close as he can under my chin or under my ear... he doesn't get settled right away though. He has to scooch up in a ball as far as he can get his back legs up. I have learned how to hold my book far away when I am reading so as not to get in his way! He loves to play in the water too. Whenever you give him fresh water he will splash it all over the floor. His paws are so big he makes quite a mess! I sometimes fill up the bathroom sink so he can have a splashing party. He is so cute when he licks the water off of his paws. As soon as he hears you walk into the bathroom he makes a beeline in there because he is ready to play in the water. A few weeks ago I found out Bruno has cancer and probably won't be with me very much longer but I treasure every day I have with him.

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