Cat of the Day

October 28, 2011

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Emy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Emy
Age: Fifteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Grey Tuxedo
Home: Los Angeles, California, USA
   This little grey girl came into my life when she was a year old. I had initially wanted a cat back when I was a college student. However, I realized the semi-nomadic life of a student wasn't the ideal situation - since most of the apartments weren't pet-friendly. However, that didn't stop one of my neighbors from dropping off a one-year-old cat at my apartment. I took one look at her, weighed the possibilities and went, "Okay, I'll take care of you now."

    It has been fourteen years since. She has been with me through thick and thin. Wherever I went, I took her with me. I think she always knows that no matter what happens in my life, I would do my best to take care of her. In return, she has provided me the laughter, love, and the companionship any person would want. She has done some very amazing things. I normally don't try to make my cat any more "human" than she is, but she really is special.

    There are times when I have felt sad and hurt, she was right there to be my teddy bear and pillow, purring while I held her close. Another time she just went up to me and held my hand! She was closing her eyes and purring - almost smiling, her paw kneading around my fingers just to let me know things were going to be okay. I reminded her where her nails had been as she was cleaning them, and she just stared at me for a full minute!

    She's been through a lot of miracles - overcoming kidney disease and crystals to even a growth on her back. The vet commented to me on how healthy she was. She's gotten a little bit cranky over the years at people, but I am glad she is still here, going strong. Even when cranky, she is extremely forgivable. She is very loving to me. My current and past roommates have said they've seen her come down when they hear the garage door opening and she calling me. She is my Cat of the Day every day in my book.

Emy, the Cat of the Day

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