Cat of the Day

September 24, 2011

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Chowder, the Cat of the Day
Name: Chowder
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada
   Hi everyone. My name I Chowder and I am six years old. My Mommy rescued me from the Calgary Humane Society when I was about 1 and a half years old. My original name was Oscar but my new Mommy named me Chowder because she kind of thought I was the color of corn chowder and it's one of her favorite foods. She took me home to her condo in Calgary where we cuddled and played whenever she was home. Then we moved to Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, where now I have a big yard to play in! I chase butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, and birds, and sometimes I even bring one home to my Mommy so she can see what I've been doing all day!

    What makes me special is that if my Mommy is sick, I can tell what is the matter. If she has a headache, I curl up on her pillow by her head. If she has a tummy ache, I cuddle up by her tummy. I think it makes her feel better and I don't like it when she's not feeling well. That is all!

    Oh, and Mommy says "The pink scarf was actually to celebrate the arrival of the new female doggie (I had a puppy party LOL). I guess Chowder is just comfortable with his masculinity (what's left of it anyway)."

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