Cat of the Day

April 10, 2012

Today's Cat
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Boarpig, the Cat of the Day
Name: Boarpig
Age: Ten years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon mix
Home: California, Maryland, USA
   My pet's name is Boarpig - Boar for short - and he is a part Maine Coon cat. He adopted us when he was a small kitten. We had just moved to a new neighborhood in California, Maryland and he showed up on our doorstep. At first he was an outdoor kitty, but he soon moved indoors. He loves both my husband and myself.

    Boar only tolerates several other people when they come to visit. He has the run of the house and we can find him sleeping in any room on the bed or in a chair. He loves to lie in his bed in front of the gas fireplace when we have it on. He weights twenty pounds and has to sit on his master's lap every night after dinner for around an hour. He also insists we comb him every morning - he goes and lays down on a rug beside the drawer in which we keep his comb and brush. But that keeps him looking his best, and that dense coat free from matts, so we never object! We love him.

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