Cat of the Day

August 26, 2012

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Leo, the Cat of the Day
Name: Leo
Age: Deceased
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
   Leo was a cat who I rescued from the back yard as a stray cat. The vet said he was between three to five years of age at that time. I had been feeding him for eighteen months outside and he was just so friendly. He was not a fighter and was always getting beat up. He use to climb the trees to get to a rooftop to get away from the "mean cats."

    After spending an entire Winter outside, I was not about to let him spend another one. I took him in and had him fixed at the local spay wagon. When I picked him up they informed me he was FeLV (Feline leukemia virus) positive. I could not find any shelter who wanted him due to his medical condition. Even though I had allergies I decided to keep him, with the thought that I would find a shelter somewhere who would take him. not! So Leo stayed and he became my heart and soul. He was the one in a lifetime cat, he followed me everywhere, always purring. He loved everyone who came in the house. He use to wait for me at the door each time I came home. Leo loved to be brushed, he had fur that was more like hair, it was so soft and silky with very little undercoat. He had his own fan club with the people who walked by outside and would see him sitting in the window. If he was not there, the kids would call for him. He did not get into anything, loved to be near me, was just the perfect house cat. I always cringed thinking about how much time I lost while he was outside for those eighteen months. He was so dog-like and his fur never bothered my allergies that I thought he might be a Siberian Cat. He never had any health issues with the FeLV, but he did have allergies himself. He was allergic to seemingly everything, but once I found the right prescription food and litter, he thrived for five years.

    This past Spring he became ill suddenly and sadly, I lost this beloved cat in April to the FeLV. He went so fast. But I console myself with the fact that he and I gave each other the best five years of our lives. He is always in my heart.

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