Cat of the Day

December 5, 2012

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Thor, the Cat of the Day
Name: Thor
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male
Kind: European Shorthair
Home: Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
   My cat Thor is the best cat on earth in my eyes, because he is so loyal. He always walks behind you when you go outside. He also jumps on the wheelbarrow and he wants to drive. When you talk to him, he gives you an answer and he is so beautiful.

    Thor was born in my wardrobe four years ago. His mother Tinka is five years old. Sometimes he comes in my room and wants to go into the wardrobe again, he knows that he was born there and that is a safe place if he wants to relax! He lives with six other cats on our farm and he loves the nature. He is spending the most of his time outside and catches mice or birds. I love him so very much.

Thor, the Cat of the Day

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