Cat of the Day

February 2, 2012

Today's Cat
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Timothy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Timothy
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic long-hair
Home: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
   This is Timothy. He's a long-haired, (neutered) male. He lives here in Atlanta, Ga with my husband and I, six other cats, six gerbils, and four mice. Timothy is a wonderful, friendly, out-going, and fun-loving kitty. Timothy loves everybody... adults, children, other cats, dogs, rodents, birds, whatever you may be!

    Timothy is the best bedwarmer ever, although, he only wants to sleep on the bed when no one is looking. He's never met a creature of any kind that he didn't like. Timothy has no fear... of anything. When he does escape, he lets himself into other people's homes via the kitty/doggy door. He has been found in someone else's bed at 3:00 in the morning! And, he eats their food, too. Dog food, cat food, people food... whatever!

    Tim lives to eat, and he'll eat just about anything you put down... whether it's for him, or not.

    Timmy is very social, and makes toys out paper, trash, pens, coasters, bottles, anything really. When he feels we're depriving him of our attention, he turns our stuff into toys... name badges, glasses, wallets, rings, belts. He paws at them and chews on them until we get the hint.

   Thanks for letting me show him off to someone, he sure is special!

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