is our beloved Marley, the picture where his leg is shaved was two days
before he went to the vet to have his rear left leg amputated due to bone
cancer in the foot. Marley is a fifteen-year-old British Cream Persian, son of a
pedigree British Cream Shorthair, and lives with us in England.
He was given to us four years ago when his then Mum needed a new home for
him. She loved him dearly but her partner didn't like cats, her son was
lively and another child was on the way. She was crying as she left.
When he arrived Marley was very nervous about men and my husband didn't see
him for three weeks. Now he's a very loving cat who follows me around
demanding to be picked up and cuddled, or will snuggle up to my husband for
ages. I feel he should be honored for the courage and good humour he has
shown during a time of great pain. As he had tumors in the bones he was
walking around with a badly broken foot; he would scream if you touched his
leg just wrong, but never tried to scratch as most of our cats would have
done. He is at the vets for his op as I write this and we both miss him terribly.
Now that he is settled and loved by his entire family, he has relaxed a lot.
He is still a nervous kitty, though, and we are told that is normal for him.
He doesn't play a lot though he has toys around the floor and might bat one
for a few seconds if he finds one. One of his favorite tricks is to sit
looking at me until I pick him up. He then twists round in my arms to cuddle
me, sometimes with both arms around my neck. He doesn't stay long but purrs
very loudly while he's there, which is quite gratifying.
