Cat of the Day

July 17, 2012

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Twinkie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Twinkie
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cream Tabby
Home: Long Island, New York, USA
   This is my boy Twinkie, he just turned six on June 29th and resides on Long Island, New York. He is a gorgeous Cream Tabby, our own "cream-filled sweet!" Twinkie is a very big boy too but this came as no surprise. When we adopted him I'd noted that his front paws were huge!

    Twinkie brought joy back to our lives and made our house a home again back in 2006 when we had lost our twin grey tabby brothers, Frisky & Whisky after nearly eighteen wonderful years. We were devastated and didn't want to be at home as it seemed to be so "empty". My daughter and I went to admire kitties at a local adoption center for a rescue group and we ended up adopting Twinks (his nickname) and he began to help us heal. In August, we will celebrate the 6th anniversary of his adoption, a truly wonderful day for us!

    Twinkie can be quite silly at times. He likes squeezing himself into a place too small for him, or galloping up and down the hallway until he runs out of steam. He lays on my computer desk with half of himself hanging over the side and proceeds to fall asleep that way. He is independent yet needy at times. He gives kisses but he doesn't do laps!

    Twinkie is also very very talkative! He is by far the most vocal cat I've ever had, and I love it! We have conversations all day long and he truly seems to answer my questions and uses many different sounds to communicate.

    Twinkie is unusual too. There are two things that make Twinks very different than most cats.

    First, he has many ways about him that are more appropriate for a dog then a cat! He prefers to lie on hard floors then beds or couches. It took years before he would even do so at all. He chews things up like a puppy such as shoelaces, and he does the "puppy-puppy shake" which is what we call it when a dog comes out of water and stands up on his hind legs and shakes his whole body off. Twinkie does that minus the coming out of water part! Every now and then, he just gets up on his hind legs and shakes off his whole body! We often call Twinks our "puppy-cat".

    The second thing that is so unusual about Twinkie is that he doesn't eat "people food." No tuna, no steak, no chicken, no turkey, no meat or fish or poultry whatsoever! He does, however, love the feel of apple skin on his tongue so he licks them incessantly. He also loves something about celery, and rubs all over it. But he has a little sweet tooth and will eat yellow cake or donut type bakery products if we share a bit with him!

    Twinkie is very very special to us ... he's the "Cat of the Day" for us, day after day after day!

Twinkie, the Cat of the Day
Twinkie, the Cat of the Day

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