Cat of the Day

July 21, 2012

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Jar Jar, the Cat of the Day
Name: Jar Jar
Age: Thirteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon mix
Home: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
   What makes Jar Jar so special is he is so sweet. He was the largest in his litter, a huge cat! He's a gentle giant, at twenty pounds. He loves affection but isn't really a lap cat but will come up and sit right next to me on the sofa and purr so loud! He lives with my black and white tuxedo cat, his "sister" Phantom, a rescue cat. She is half his size but still the boss as she was here first. She keeps him in line with an occasional bop on the head, but he takes it in good stride. He's got a high-pitched kitten-like meow. In fact, almost all his ways are still kitten-like.

    Jar Jar is a bit clumsy (hence the name) but still graceful enough, given his huge size. He's not at all fat but just very big boned! He is able to jump up very high, into the wall unit, with those powerful back legs of his. But his favorite place is on his cat condo, or sitting in an easy chair, watching TV. He sits just like a person, on his rear end, with his arm up on the side of the chair, and will watch TV very intently in that position. All he needs is the remote control to complete the picture! He loves him Mommy very much. Every morning he follows me to the kitchen and shows his appreciation for the food by rubbing against me before he eats. The two cats call a truce for meals, and eat side by side.

    Jar Jar loves olives! Any kind, green, black, whatever - he will smell them from anywhere in the house and come running. I've given him some small pieces and he eats them up. Very strange for a kitty! He is the security guard of the house. He goes on patrol every evening, looking left and right and making long yowling meows. It looks exactly like he is making his rounds as a guard! He's a joy in my life and I love him so much. He doesn't mind if I call him Boo Boo, Cutey Puss, Mr. Fuzzypants, Fur Face or Jarmander - just don't call him late for dinner! Besides watching TV, and guarding my home, Jar Jar also loves, sleeping in any small space he can find. He once crawled into a small drawer of a nightstand I was giving away and almost got moved out with the furniture! For such an enormous cat, he can get into very small spaces. He frequently gets himself into trouble that way. Jar Jar is very well loved around here. Life would not be the same without him.

Jar Jar, the Cat of the Day
Jar Jar, the Cat of the Day

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