Cat of the Day

June 17, 2012

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Garp, the Cat of the Day
Name: Garp
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Genoa, Italy
   The World According to Garp: Garp was abandoned as a kitten in front of a supermarket in Piedmont in the rain. When I found him was love at first sight. He fought like a warrior to survive the respiratory complications he had, but he has done it. He made a move with me when he was still a kitten in Tuscany, and Tuscany met Zoe, his current "wife." She was also a foundling, and together they had several kittens. The first was Echo, who completes the family. He was a gentle father with all his children, playful and active, and as a furry companion to me is invaluable, as his character always playful and happy.

    Two years ago he suddenly became blind, he was diagnosed with bilateral retinal atrophy, but did not give up even before this new challenge. He goes through life with olfactory mapping carried out in each new place, and he maintained his good character. Unless I say so, no one is aware of his blindness.

    In January, Garp, Zoe, Echo and I returned to Genoa, which is my hometown which I had missed for fifteen years. Garp has adapted well to their new home, after all, he is accustomed to moving, this is the third for him! Now I have had him for almost six years and he is a great "husband" and loving father, and my great little furry warrior.

    I hope that life has no more challenges for him, but if so I'm sure he would exceed even the largest one, as he always has. I love him very much.

Garp, the Cat of the Day
Garp, the Cat of the Day

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