Cat of the Day

March 22, 2012

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Autumn, the Cat of the Day
Name: Autumn
Age: Five years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tortoiseshell
Home: New Jersey, USA
   I had lost my previous cat after sixteen years and she was actually the Cat of the Day on Oct. 5, 1998, her name was Misty. I was so heartbroken and devastated that I wanted to adopt another kitty, it was just too lonely for me.

    I went to a shelter and saw Autumn and fell in love with her, always wanted a Tortie. She was almost three years old at the time. I looked at the other kitties but my mind was still on Autumn so she came home with me a few days later. The hurt of losing Misty is still with me but having Autumn has helped mend my broken heart. This is what makes her special, she helped me give love to another kitty.

    Autumn was not an easy cat to get close too. She was very shy and very afraid of everything. I could not even walk towards her without her running and hiding. She has been with me for three years now and still runs from me at times, she doesn't trust anyone. She will sit on my lap and watch TV with me and she loves to play with the feather wand.

    The worst thing is I cannot get her into the carrier when going to the vet. I have had to cancel many appointments because of this. She is a very tough kitty, but I love her very much.

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