Cat of the Day

September 20, 2012

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Oz, the Cat of the Day
Name: Oz
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Johannesburg, South Africa
   Oz is the master of our home - as all cats always are, and the way it should be! He was raised with his canine brother and sister, and so seems a a bit confused - behaving like a cat, and also behaving like a dog occasionally.

    He is a big boy and likes his food, but is lithe and supple enough to fit through the cat flap in the bathroom window that leads to his territory in the back yard, where he terrorises and captures the occasional mouse and bird.

    Oz follows me around when I am home and loves to go out to the front of the house, and roll in the leaves and dirt! But when we want him safe and secure in the house, we merely call him and, after a typical cat stretch and yawn, he comes trotting over- like a tame dog. He is my boy - and we are the best of mates.

Oz, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Oz!
Oz, the Cat of the Day
Oz, the Cat of the Day

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