Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Chihiro, the Cat of the Day
Name: Chihiro
Age: Four months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Ragdoll
Home: Western Australia, Australia
   Chihiro came to live with us when he was almost twelve weeks old. He flew to Western Australia on a plane from Victoria. He is a gorgeous pure breed Ragdoll with a legitimate pedigree.

    He has a funny little personality, and it is very close to the breed standard, yet possesses his own unique flair. He is cuddly, fluffy, proud, princely, mischievous and loves being carried around everywhere, although when we first got him he was aloof and a bit of a snob. But I soon conditioned him to be a floppy, lovable little man. Now he insists on cuddles regularly and doesn't like it when he is left out of our daily activities. He doesn't like it when I am cooking because I am paying attention to the food! He follows you to the toilet and when you close the door on him he will stick his little paws under the door and wave them like a zombie while uttering peculiar meows. It is rather disconcerting and a little creepy. He also has this strange habit of darting into things when you are about to close the door! Chihiro also loves the challenge of fitting into all the boxes, even if they are too small for him!

    Chihiro is a fussy little man when it comes to food. I spent two weeks trying to find a good food source for him and now we have it! He eats raw food, Royal Canin biscuits, and wet foods with natural flavors, no preservatives, no colors, and real ingredients! He also enjoys a bit of cheese as a snack.

    Chihiro is what you would call a ground hugger. He dislikes climbing high and would rather spend his time sleeping besides you, sleeping on the dining table chairs that I sit in, or lying on the ground, legs akimbo, eyes wide. It takes a lot of encouragement to get him on the top of his cat scratch. He is very amendable to handling and loves his harness and lead walks! You could treat him like a dolly, carry him everywhere, put accessories on him (not that I do this, but I like to put bandannas or ribbons around his neck, loosely I might add!) or put him in boxes (but makes sure he can get out when he has had enough). He loves everyone, however, undoubtedly I am his favorite. Everyone who meets him wants to take him home. Another interesting point to say is that I have a friend who hates animals but now she actually doesn't mind patting and cuddling Chihiro. Perhaps she will soon be converted into an animal lover! Generally it all comes to trust if you want a floppy, lovable cat, and he trusts me immensely, although I don't trust him because he may get up to mischief somewhere! He is a forever family member and will stay with us for as long as he lives.

Chihiro, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Chihiro!
Chihiro, the Cat of the Day
Chihiro, the Cat of the Day

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