Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
N.O.S., the Cat of the Day
Name: N.O.S.
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Long hair Domestic
Home: Tallahassee, Florida, USA
   This is N.O.S. (yes, like the thing you put in your car. Vrroooooom!) What Make my cat special? N.O.S. came to me at a time I really needed him. It was a little under four years ago, he came to me when he was about six months old, and I had recently lost my beloved cat. I was sitting alone at my computer on a pretty gloomy day at twelve in the morning and then I suddenly start to hear a kitten mew. I ran outside and looked around my porch calling to this kitten, as soon as I started beckoning this tiny little kitten ran to me and into my arms. I immediately brought him in and inspected him. He was covered in fleas and had a ton of hair missing. Not to mention he was quite skinny. I immediately bathed him in a diluted Dawn solution to rid the fleas for the night and fed him. Just as soon as he was done eating he started to fall asleep. He slept through the whole night right under my armpit. I of course took him to the vet the following morning and was told some bad news, that he might not make it through the next couple of days. However, I was determined. I loved and nursed him back to health. It's been a pretty uphill battle considering he is allergic to fleas. All of those things aside he is now a healthy twelve-pound cat that loves to sleep, eat, and trip me for attention. Quite a long way he has come from a death-sentenced kitten.

    Mostly he is a pretty silly cat. He loves to meow and tell me what he's thinking. That's usually how he gets his way, he'll look straight at me and meow until he gets his way. He is a very friendly cat. He loves people and attention and will pester anybody for it until they relent. He does know a couple tricks. I have taught him how to sit and shake. He is also leash trained. I let him out during the day but during the night I take him on walks to get his energy out and to use the bathroom. He is also a very picky eater. He only eats higher quality cat food and loves human food. His favorites is bread. I can't leave bread out on my counter anymore because he will jump up onto to counter and rip open the bags to get into it. He is basically just a happy and outgoing cat. He is very attached to me and always greets me at my feet when I come home, whether he is outside or inside.

N.O.S., the Cat of the Day
N.O.S., the Cat of the Day

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Emy the Calico Minou the Ragdoll Mira the Domestic Shorthair Rico the Russian Blue Clown the Oriental Shorthair Chip the Domestic Longhair Percy the Bengal Oriental, Ocicat Oliver the American Short hair
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