Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Forrest, the Cat of the Day
Name: Forrest
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Siamese mix
Home: Chicago, Illinois, USA
   About a week after I had to put down my eighteen-year-old cat, a friend took me to the shelter "just to look." As we spent some time there, one thing led to another and I found myself signing the papers to adopt two cats! They were 'brothers' and had been dropped off that morning and the shelter was already bursting at the seams! They had both been declawed, so it was a good thing that whoever did not want them anymore dropped them at the shelter rather than just sending them outside.

    Forrest is a sweetie but he is very particular. He wants to snuggle on his own terms only. He gets very agitated if anyone picks him up to carry him around but after dinner he loves to cuddle close on the couch and knead his paws. If someone comes visiting, he will tolerate their presence on his couch but if he senses a rainstorm blowing up he will hide under the table or a chair. He loves to chase his "brother from another mother" Ozzy, and is usually the instigator. Forrest is also the only cat I have had that does really like to lap up water. He dips his paw in the bowl and licks the water off.

    He loves to jump and dance and chase a feather on the string, get a good brushing when he is in the mood, but his favorite thing is sunbathing in the window, and keeping tabs on everything going on inside and outside from his perch on the back of the sofa. His most favorite time is dinnertime, of course. When he hears the can pop open, he chases himself around in a circle or two from all the excitement, then comes to attention at the dinner plate! When he doesn't get his meals on schedule, he gets agitated and turns any newspaper that happens to be around into confetti. We love him!

Forrest, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Forrest!
Forrest, the Cat of the Day
Forrest, the Cat of the Day

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Earthy the Calico, Tabby Tirulla the European Shorthair Binx the Brown Tabby Tanner the Buff Tabby Gus the Exotic Shorthair Iris the Housecat Yuki the Cat Phebe the Tabby
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