Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Yuki, the Cat of the Day
Name: Yuki
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Drenthe, The Netherlands
   We got Yuki from a farm, so he isn't a pure breed. Just your regular domesticated cat. He's from Drenthe, a province in The Netherlands. What makes him special is his cute face and loving personality. He's an outdoor cat, but loves to come inside for attention and naps.

    We had scary incident last fall. He disappeared in October and was gone for almost a whole week. It was awful, we were scared we lost him. On the sixth day, in the morning, we heard a faint meow from outside. We immediately looked outside to find Yuki, skinny and hopping around on three legs. His left hind leg just hanging there. The poor thing was in an awful condition, we took him to the vet after we fed him. The vet told us he might needed to amputate his left hind leg, because his pelvis was broken. He wasn't allowed to walk around for one and a half month. We put him in a wooden box so that he couldn't walk around. Needless to say he wanted to get out, he meowed all day, begging us to let him out.

    After a few weeks of waiting, the vet told us an amputation wasn't necessary. But his tail was half dead, so the vet decided that the tail did have to be amputated, so he did. In the second picture you can see his little tail, half the size it used to be. It didn't give him any major trouble, although he was freaked out by it in the beginning. He didn't suffer from any major injuries after the accident, besides from his tail and his left hind leg. He's changed though, he gets scared easily. We suspect he was hit by a car.

    Yuki spends most of his time outdoors, sleeping in bushes or catching mice/birds and leaving them at our front door. However, he loves to come inside for hugs and naps. He has a special bond with my dad, whenever my dad comes home from work, Yuki comes with him.

    Yuki enjoys attacking our feet and biting cardboard boxes. He's very naughty. He can open doors on his own, as well as some of the windows upstairs. The first time we found out we thought there was a burglar in our house, my bedroom window was open when I was sure I closed it. We found him sleeping in the hallway, such a cutie. Yuki is not afraid of dogs, contrary, he loves chasing them. There are days when he craves affection and other days he spends his time outside. He makes new friends easily, his best friend is the cat from across the street. His name is Diesel, and he's very sweet, I used to see him in our backyard every day. He hasn't been around recently, though. Besides from Diesel, Yuki also spends a lot of time with our other cat, Mousie, she's seven years old and she doesn't like affection that much. Yuki likes other cats but doesn't really appreciate strangers in our house. We love him, he's special.

Yuki, the Cat of the Day

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