Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Katya, the Cat of the Day
Name: Katya
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Persian Cat
Home: Estonia
   This is Katrin the Persian, although we call her Katya. Katya likes to walk on a leash. It all started when she was nine years old. I never really trained her, I just put a leash on and carried her outside. In a week Katya sat by the door and cried till we went for a walk. And we went almost every day at first.

    Katya is not like other cats and dogs though. Nature is not interesting for her, she doesn't hunt or even pretend too, animals annoy her, nature looks the same. Buildings are good, all different and you can go inside. But people's attention is what she loves more than food.

    Old town is one of her favorite locations, no nature, lots of groups of people and tourists (her favorite, they usually take pictures with very big black interesting things and not cellphones, also they speak different languages Katya doesn't understand) and they all go "aww" and take pictures of her. If Katya thinks that that amount of people is good enough for her majesty she even would stop for a while and let hem take photos of her being pretty and not her butt while she is walking away. Sometimes it looks very funny, Katya walks and a bunch of people walk along and photograph/film her, like some movie star.

    Lastly I want to mention that in winter she wears clothes because her fur isn't capable of keeping warmth after nine years of indoor living at all. I thought she would hate it, but she is perfectly fine with it. And due to her age hot summers are hard for her as well and she lets us shave her every year.

    I can't describe all her weirdness and awesomeness (a sheep fell in love with Katya, tried to kiss her and got a slap in the face; Katya went into the sea on her own despite being afraid of showers and now waves; likes sliding and spinning and tunnels on playgrounds for kids; instantly makes people smile on the street and so on) here, but she is truly special.

Katya, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Katya!
Katya, the Cat of the Day
Katya, the Cat of the Day
Katya, the Cat of the Day

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