Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Arthur, the Cat of the Day
Name: Arthur
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Short Hair
Home: Colorado, USA
   This is Arthur. He loves cuddling with his family, chasing birds, hiking with us, helping to round up horses, protecting us from foxes and coyotes. He lives in northern Colorado on a ranch with horses. He gets along with all the horses, but he has to be very careful around them so he is not stepped on. I have a lot photos of him, but most are outdoors, with him on top of fence posts, in trees, and covered with dust after rolling (one of his favorite activities). He is very talkative, and rather manipulative in that he gets us up early in the morning to give him kitty treats.

    One photo is Arthur in a tree last fall. He like to follow me while I check fences and walk through the horse pastures. He is always on the alert for predators, and last summer he was cornered by a big fox! He puffed up really big, growling at fox, who the charged him and tried to grab his tail. I wish he would stay in the house more, but he won't. He likes to come in for treats and likes to sleep on the bed, but he likes to go out at night. Fortunately, he doesn't go into the fields, he sits on the porch, looking for mice. Then he walks under my window, and makes a low pitched meow, the signal for me to get out of bed and let him in.

    We rescued him from the local shelter, where he was being held for killing songbirds in the neighbor's yard at his previous owner's house. Apparently, they were avid "birders", and Arthur would patiently wait in the bushes until the birds were on and under the feeder. Then he would pounce and run off with his quarry. Well, the neighbor had his owner served with a lawsuit, saying the cat was wantonly killing migratory birds. The only choice he had was to have the cat destroyed or given to the shelter.

    When we first met him, my girlfriend and I both went on separate days to see what cats the shelter had up for adoption. When I went into the cat room, Arthur was up high on a shelf, about head level, meowing right in my ear, and loudly! When my girlfriend went the next day, the very same thing happened to her. When we discussed the cats we'd seen, later that evening, I mentioned the cute, loud black kitty meowing my ear. "Are you kidding?" she said, " The same cat did the same thing to me!" We decided we would go back and rescue him the next day. He has been been very happy living here out on the edge of the prairie. He has family and friends who love him, lots of birds and mice to chase, and acres and acres of field to explore. We really love him, and he is an important member of our family.

Arthur, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Arthur!
Arthur, the Cat of the Day
Arthur, the Cat of the Day
Arthur, the Cat of the Day
Arthur, the Cat of the Day
Arthur, the Cat of the Day
Arthur, the Cat of the Day
Arthur, the Cat of the Day

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