Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Jeffery Jay, the Cat of the Day
Name: Jeffery Jay
Age: Ten months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Orange Tabby
Home: El Paso, Texas, USA
   This is my very special kitty, Jeffery Jay. Jeffery was a rescue- he was originally bought by a woman whose husband told her to get rid of he and his sister as soon as she brought them home. She threw them out, and a friend of mine found them and took them home to foster. My mom and I heard of this, and thought it was awful. My best friend adopted his sister (now named Zoe) and my family, after discussing it with my dad, adopted Jeffery.

    We knew immediately that Jeffery Jay would have quite the personality. As my dad and I sat in the car, and I held him, he was very inquisitive with everything that was going on outside. The kitten picture is the very first day we got him. He was just a wee little guy! I tried to pick him up and hold him, telling him to not get so excited over cars, and he quite literally meowed out the best he could "No! Idon'twanna!". (I used no spaces there because that's exactly how it sounded.) It was so odd yet cute and funny!

    After taking him home and introducing him to our other two kitties (also kittens at the time, though a couple months older), my dad and I drove to my best friend's house, who has Zoe. I have a video of Jeffery and Zoe playing one last time before my family and I PCS'd away from that area. It was the most adorable thing my friend and I had ever seen!

    To this day, he's still very inquisitive. Luckily, he's an inside cat unless we walk him around on his kitty leash, which he thoroughly enjoys. One picture is Jeffery exploring the outside of our new home on his kitty leash. He really enjoyed watching the birds as they flew around. He loves belly rubs, wrestling with your hand, playing fetch (which he's a complete expert at!), and waking me up at ungodly hours to pretend my neck is a mommy cat and suckle, which he also does to my dad's chin before he goes to work.

    Jeffery Jay is now ten months old. He is still quite the bundle of personality, and rather feisty, though in the most adorable of ways! It's hard to stay mad at him for long, even when he knocks things down in the house that he shouldn't. You may notice in his leprechaun picture, Jeffery is glaring at me for sticking him in clothing, he did not exactly get in the festive mood!

    My family and I adore Jeffery so much. Each one of us take turns holding him and loving on him after coming in from errands. He's spoiled and loved, and he is very aware of it.

    I'm so happy we were able to adopt our Jeffery Jay. He is very special to us, and our lives would not be the same without him.

Jeffery Jay, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Jeffery Jay!
Jeffery Jay, the Cat of the Day
Jeffery Jay, the Cat of the Day

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