Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Hippo, the Cat of the Day
Name: Hippo
Age: 3.5 years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tuxedo Moggie
Home: Gloucestershire, England
   This is my gorgeous kitty cat, Hippo. I'd been going around the rescues trying to find the 'right cat' for ages and had been to see so many. One of the ladies at the rescue told me that you don't pick a cat, a cat will pick you. And oh boy was she right! The very second I walked into the pen that Hippo was in, he looked at me and just came right up to me for a fuss. That was it, I knew he was my boy. We got him from the cat rescue when he was 11 months old and it only took him a few days before he was ruling our house! He's got the name Hippo after watching Breakfast at Tiffanies. The cat in the movie is called 'cat' so we said when we get a cat we should call our cat 'cat' or to confuse it 'dog' then we joking said "or hippo." And that was it, the name was set!

    He truly is the best (in my non-biased opinion) kitty in the world. He loves to play, especially hide and seek under the bushes. He's a very loving and generous cat and often brings us lots of presents from kitchen sponges to live birds, to dead unidentifiable things!

    He loves to sleep and nap especially if he can get to my office chair before I do. I often find him curled up on it and I just don't have the heart to move him! Or if he's not on my chair, a cardboard box is his next choice, despite us having bought him lots of lovely soft fluffy beds!

    One of the things I love best about him is he always comes up to bed at night time and nudges me for midnight cuddles, before he falls fast asleep, usually on his back with his legs in the air! He's such a cutie with his little pink nose and I love him probably more than I should!! We even had an 'icing Hippo' on our wedding cake!

   He's made our house a proper home and I'd be lost without him.

Hippo, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Hippo!
Hippo, the Cat of the Day
Hippo, the Cat of the Day
Hippo, the Cat of the Day

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Emil the British Shorthair Diesel the Domestic Shorthair Tabby Izzy the Long Haired Tuxedo Saina the Bengal Tanner the Domestic Long Hair Lola Baby the American Domestic Shorthair Angel the Tabby Cuddles the Domestic Shorthair
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