Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Meela, the Cat of the Day
Name: Meela
Age: Nine months old
Gender: Female
Kind: American Short Hair
Home: USA
   Meela, along with her two sisters, was found the morning of Thanksgiving in 2013.My dad had left the house for last minute food (turkey lol) shopping. When he got back home his exact words to me were, now I had just sat down to eat my-not-so-wonderful breakfast (I can't cook for the life of me), and my dad said to me, "We have a little problem ..."

   I said, "Um what is it?"

    He emphasized, "... but, there's nothing we can do about it ..."

    I replied, "Okay, but what is it?!" (the suspense was killing me).

    He finally said, "There are three little kittens ..." and he barely could finish his sentence when I quickly ran through the kitchen and darted out the front door. So, you can imagine what happened next. Of course I sat down, held them and played with them. I could see my dad shaking his head, thinking Nooo don't do it but, between you and me I think he secretly wanted me to go out there or he would have never told me about the kittens in the first place. Unfortunately as soon as after we brought them into our home things went downhill quick.

    The three kittens were infected with worms as many feral cats are. It got very messy, especially for Meela, she had the worst of it. Without spilling graphic details, Meela was in a lot of pain and you could easily hear it in her meows. After several visits to the vet, we finally got the kittens worm free and healthy. Now, Meela and her sisters are living comfortably in our humble home and are definitely enjoying the indoor life.

    Meela, I would say, is a rather more independent cat. She likes the attention and loves to get petted, but on her terms of course. She is adorable, funny, beautiful, and sassy cat. I call her the Princess because she acts like royalty at times lol. She is very talkative. You could almost have a conversation with her.

    I had a touching moment once with Meela that i will share with you. I had a pet hedgehog who one day out of the blue just stopped walking.. I didn't understand what was happening. Her back legs just seem to give out on her. It most-likely was Wobbly hedgehog syndrome. Long story short she died in my hands that night. I was very emotional over it. Meela came inside my room, sniffed the hedgehog, lied down beside me and placed her paw on me. It was the most comforting feeling as though telling me everything is okay. I felt she had spiritually returned the favor after everything I had done for her when she was ill. She is a very special cat.

Meela, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Meela!
Meela, the Cat of the Day
Meela, the Cat of the Day
Meela, the Cat of the Day

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