Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Edward, the Cat of the Day
Name: Edward
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male
Kind: British Blue
Home: Manchester, UK

    My name is Edward Lancelot (Ed), although I have a load of other nicknames as well including Minky, Stinky, Purr Monster, and Loon. I live with my brother and Mum and Dad in Manchester, UK. It's always busy when you're a cat in our household - there's so many adventures to be had, things to climb, naps to fit in, cuddles to have. You get the idea. Mum says that I'm the only uncoordinated cat she's ever met, which I think is a bit unfair because every time she's rescued me I'm sure I could have got down by myself eventually. One of my favorite things to do is sleep on the heated clothes drier, preferably on one of my Dad's rugby shirts. I do this whilst the shirts are still damp from the washing machine, so sometimes my Dad calls me Dim-Sum kitten. I love to play chase with my brother, although he's more into his sleeping than I am. Sunbathing in the window is also a good way to spend time, as is sitting in boxes. I *love* boxes. Anyway - best be off - there's adventures to be had!

   Love and purrs,
   Ed x

    Hi - Mum here. As you can see, Ed has a look like butter wouldn't melt - you can never be annoyed with him for long. We're resigned to the fact that we'll probably never have fur-free clean clothes ever again as he loves to climb on the fresh laundry. He is quite probably the most uncoordinated cat ever, and has to date fallen off the sideboard, the sofa, and the bureau, usually when he's over-excited and caught up in the moment. Considering he was the runt of the litter he's grown into a beautiful 6kg (13 pounds) tiger and we wouldn't swap him for the world.

Edward, the Cat of the Day
Edward, the Cat of the Day

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