Name: |
Lady J
Age: |
Seventeen years old
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Home: |
Plymouth, United Kingdom
Lady J is highly intelligent and, for a tiny cat, totally fearless! She has even been known to chase the local Alsatian down the road! This picture is from Lady J's 17th birthday; looking a little askance at the camera. The bandanna is a fairly recent addition to Her Ladyship's wardrobe and she seems to like it. The pet shop had little baseball caps with an elastic chinstrap but we felt that would be a step too far for 'Madam.'
People think she is a Russian Blue (I think she thinks so too) but she was not the result of a planned breeding programme! However, she retains her aristocratic nature and this is reflected in the way she treats her servants (my wife and I). She rules the house with an iron paw.We have had several cats over the years but none quite as confident as Lady J!