Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Sasha the Long Haired Turkish Calico
Name: Sasha
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Long Haired Turkish Calico
Home: Tampa, Florida, USA
   Sasha (sometimes called Sashita) is a cat like none other. With one blue eye and one green, she's much different than any other cat I have met. She's very talkative, loves to get treats in the morning, and enjoys being pet and cuddled as she's in the wind path of the fan. She purrs very loudly, especially she's getting some love.

     We found Sasha outside in my neighborhood. She was such a beautiful and friendly cat. Soon after meeting her, I would come home every night and there she was, sitting on my front porch. She would be excited to see me and would try to follow me in. At the time I wasn't allowed to have another cat, but Sasha was too hard to resist. I taught her where my window was and she eventually started jumping through my window every night for food, water, and love.

     Sasha has a very easygoing life. She spends her days here in sunny Florida, sitting out on the patio, in her favorite chair. She lounges by the pool all day and enjoys when her friend Harper, my dog, comes out to play.

Sasha the Long Haired Turkish Calico

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