Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Noonya the Shorthair Cat
Name: Noonya
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Shorthair Cat
Home: Clarksville, Tennessee, USA
   Noonya was rescued after she had been abandoned (dropped in a wooded area). She had a litter of six kittens about a week after she was rescued! She is not our first rescue cat, so we knew what we would be dealing with .People should get their cats spayed, instead of heartlessly abandoning them when they realize their female is pregnant, poor thing. But she had them when she was safely with us. All of them are now happy and healthy. I have included a photo of her kittens.

     Noonya is a wonderful cat. She is very independent, and likes to explore outdoors, where she feels most at home. She is a beauty, and will never be homeless again. We love her very much, and are glad she is ours.

Noonya the Shorthair Cat Noonya the Shorthair Cat Noonya the Shorthair Cat

Talk about Noonya in Pet Talk!

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