Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Scooter the Tuxedo Cat
Name: Scooter
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Kind: Tuxedo Cat
Home: Niantic, Connecticut, USA
   It's 4 AM in the morning and do I know where Scooter (Bigfoot) is? His polydactyl front paws are making their way up my chest and he's plunking himself down with his nose to my nose purring loudly all the way. No alarm clock needed Sunday mornings, nor Mondays through Saturdays for that matter.

     He was a stray in the neighborhood and my neighbor's allergy (who took him in first then gave to me cat, food, toys, dish), sent him my way so I volunteered. His recent trip to the vet cost me a bundle! I wonder how he'd do as an entree? Noooo, he's a great (little?) kitty of 13+ pounds and a handsome one at that.

     Each morning and night I rub his cheeks and the top of his head while he purrs in and out, but I only purr out. Watching my neighbors walking by with their dogs, I warn them if Scooter is outside! I pity the dog owners who walk have to their dear animals in all kinds of weather!

Scooter the Tuxedo Cat Scooter the Tuxedo Cat

Talk about Scooter in Pet Talk!

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