Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Stella the Bengal
Name: Stella
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Bengal
Home: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
   Meet Stella! After losing our elderly cat, Cathy and elderly chocolate lab, Bosco, my husband and I decided to adopt a cat. Having six kittens to choose from at a local vet, Stella was the one. She acts just like our dog Bosco. She comes when called, retrieves and is incredibly intelligent. Stella can definitely understand English, knowing what we say when my husband is going to check the mail, landscape, work in the garden, etc. She follows from window to window watching him. He recently screened in our back deck, just for her. This newly enclosed area is now called her play pen! In the afternoons when I drive in from work, she cries and cries to be picked up and carried to the door to greet me. She plops down on the floor, not only expecting my husband to pick her up to greet me, but also for a belly rub.

     Researching these type tabbies has been great insight that clearly explains, if you have never been a cat owner, do not get one of these! She can jump amazing heights and when sleeping by my leg, stretches from my ankle to upper-thigh and I'm six feet tall. She can jump from the floor to almost the edge of the ceiling and would gladly ride the ceiling fan, if she could get to it. She also loves to slide long distances on her back, pushing with her hind legs, between living room furniture and across the bottom of our bed. She's a clown! She would roam through kitchen cabinets, stove, refrigerator, closets, etc., if allowed. She is not afraid of thunder, but runs to see which window she may spot the lightning from. She also stands on her hind legs and uses her front arms to "wash windows" at a very rapid swimming motion. She also does this to TV screens … she's wild.

     Stella is a happy cat who can have anything she wants. Her 12 pounds (5.4kg) has bought us love, laughter and fulfillment. Thank you Stella. We love you!

Stella the Bengal Stella the Bengal

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