Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Sally the Tabby, the Cat of the Day
Name: Sally
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tabby
Home: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
   Sally was rescued from the local RSPCA. She had her left back leg amputated because it was broken in two places. They must have seen something special in this kitty to save her and go to all the trouble of removing a leg. Nicknamed the tripod cat by rspca because of her missing leg and its stuck ever since, Her coat is amazing, it has stripes spots and swirls.

     She knows when someone's not feeling good as she'll climb up onto a lap and make herself comfy after she's given you kitty kisses and little bites on the chin. Or if you're in bed sick she'll climb up on to bed with you. She does the same thing with little head bumps in the morning to wake me up, if that's not enough, she'll sit next to me and tap me on the cheek with her paw. If it's a really cold winter she'll climb under the covers and snuggle next to me.

     If she's been home alone then hears the car pull up in the drive, she'll be waiting at the door. Shoe laces and table tennis balls are her favorite toys. She loves to help make the bed by jumping under the sheets and covers. Plus she loves a challenge and is a very good problem solver. Sometimes outwits us humans.

Sally the Tabby, the Cat of the Day

Talk about Sally in Pet Talk!

Monster the Dilute Tortoiseshell George the Orange Tabby Pansy Faye the Domestic Shorthair Castiel the Maine Coon Cat Cupcake the American Shorthair Snaps the Cat Rosie the Tortoiseshell Cat Rosa the Cat
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