Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
King the Maine Coon, Siamese mix, the Cat of the Day
Name: King
Age: Six weeks old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon, Siamese mix
Home: Los Angeles, California, USA
   King is a six-week-old Maine Coon x Siamese mix from Los Angeles. When we first got him, the owner told us he was seven weeks old but later confirmed by a vet he was five weeks old which explains having to hand feed him and litter train him. He had fleas which we treated immediately after discovering them.

     I sometimes think he acts like a bird as he likes sitting on my shoulder, licking my neck, and taking naps here. He has a long meow, like his Siamese side, even if his looks favor the Maine Coon genes, but has a loud purr. He is a pleasure to have as part of our family and we feel so connected to him in this short time.

King the Maine Coon, Siamese mix, the Cat of the Day King the Maine Coon, Siamese mix, the Cat of the Day King the Maine Coon, Siamese mix, the Cat of the Day King the Maine Coon, Siamese mix, the Cat of the Day

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